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Taylor Diaz (Newcomer)

Taylor is serving as the Director of Communications for Eastern Dominican Christian Mission. She is focused on sharing with the world what God is doing in the Dominican Republic through social media and other online platforms. She is coordinating with short-term mission teams that are coming to the Dominican Republic and plan their time in the Dominican Republic. Aside from social media and mission teams, she is assisting her husband, Harold Diaz, and the other pastors with various needs of the churches.


Harold Diaz 

Harold Diaz is serving as the Pastor of Church Development for Eastern Dominican Christian Mission. He is in charge of evaluating the churches and their current state and then making and implementing a plan to help them grow and become self-sufficient. He works alongside the head pastors of each church. He works alongside the Executive Director on the church planting process for our upcoming church plants. This includes discipling the pastor, studying the community, and overseeing the planting of the church. 


Eastern Dominican Christian Mission

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission is a mission that is focused on planting churches through connecting, in different ways, with the people in the different communities and on our way to doing that, we see amazing things happening where Jesus transforms whole families for His glory, hopeless people that find a place in the kingdom of God, and Dominicans being empowered to keep doing God’s work. EDCM currently has 4 church plants, 1 school with over 500 children and a medical clinic. We are currently in the works of planting another church and implementing a seminary school to raise up leaders to plant more churches. 

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